This article outlines several aspects of sleep regulation relevant to pedia
tric pain management. A broad range of connections between sleep and pain a
re described: (1) pain can interfere with the quality and quantity of child
ren's sleep; (2) insufficient sleep (quality or quantity) can cause daytime
sequelae (behavioral and emotional changes) that interfere with the coping
skills necessary for effective pain management; (3) fear and anxiety often
have a negative impact on both pain and sleep; (4) feelings of safety and
control frequently have a positive effect on both sleep and pain symptoms;
(5) adequate sleep seems to promote both physiological (tissue repair) and
psychological (transient cessation of the perception of pain signals) proce
sses relevant to recovery from pain, injury, and illness; and (6) treatment
approaches to pediatric sleep and pain problems show considerable overlap
with respect to many pharmacological as well as cognitive-behavioral interv
entions. Given these multiple links, a better understanding of sleep-and it
s importance in physical and mental health-is likely to be of value to clin
icians and researchers working in areas of pediatric pain management. One s
pecific hypothesis to be addressed is the possible contribution of sleep di
sruption as a step in the progression to some chronic pain syndromes.