The influence of temperature and daylength on flower formation of radi
cchio was studied in growth chamber experiments. After temperature tre
atments, transplants were planted in the field where the percentage an
d date of bolting were recorded later. Studies on the effect of photop
eriod took place in growth chambers only. Radicchio has no juvenile ph
ase, seed vernalization is possible. Inductive temperatures range betw
een 0 and 15 degrees C. The necessary duration of vernalization lies b
etween 2 and 3 weeks at 5-10 degrees C. There are cultivars with a qua
litative as well as a quantitative vernalization requirement. High tem
peratures above 15 degrees C during transplant raising decreased bolti
ng of radicchio (antivernalization). There were no effects of photoper
iod during long days and high temperatures after vernalization.