The theory of empirical normal modes (ENMs) is adapted to diagnose gravity
waves generated by a relatively high-resolution numerical model solving the
primitive equations. The ENM approach is based on the principal component
analysis (which consists of finding the most efficient basis explaining the
variance of a time series), except that it takes advantage of wave-activit
y conservation laws. In the present work, the small-amplitude version of th
e pseudoenergy is used to extract from data quasi-monochromatic three-dimen
sional empirical modes that describe atmospheric wave activity. The spatial
distributions of these quasi-monochromatic modes are identical to the norm
al modes of the linearized primitive equations when the underlying dynamics
can be described with a stochastic linear and forced model, thus establish
ing a bridge between statistics and dynamics. This diagnostic method is use
d to study inertia-gravity wave generation, propagation, transience, and br
eaking over the Rockies, the North Pacific, and Central America in the trop
osphere-stratosphere-mesosphere Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory SKYHI
general circulation model at a resolution of 1 degrees of latitude by 1.2
degrees of longitude. Besides the action of mountains in exciting orographi
c waves, inertia-gravity wave activity has been found to be generated at th
e jet stream level as a possible consequence of a sustained nonlinear and a
geostrophic flow. In the tropical region of the model (Central America), th
e inertia-gravity wave source mechanism produced mainly waves with a westwa
rd vertical tilt. A significant proportion of these inertia-gravity waves w
as able to reach the model mesosphere without much dissipation and absorpti