Recent faecal analyses have shown that barbastelle bats Barbastella barbast
ellus are highly specialized moth predators. The predominance of moths (> 9
9% by volume) in their diet both in wooded areas of the Swiss Alps and in d
enuded steppe areas of Central Asia further suggests that this narrow diet
does not stem from a highly specialized habitat selection, but merely from
peculiar species-specific foraging constraints. Non-opportunistic predators
relying on a few prey types must find areas providing their basic prey in
abundance. Using radiotracking, habitat selection was investigated in a pop
ulation of barbastelle bats inhabiting xeric forests in the Swiss Alps, In
particular, I tested the prediction that the biologically most productive a
reas within the forest are exploited in priority. Eleven individuals were r
adiotracked from June through to October 1992, and in June 1993. The home r
ange (59 ha) of the overall radiotracked population was divided in 236 cell
units of 0.25 ha each. Within each cell, habitat and vegetation structure
was described using 19 environmental variables. Habitat selection by the ba
ts was investigated through stepwise regression analysis, which retained 11
variables showing a significant positive relationship with habitat use. Th
e four variables accounting for 31% of the overall variance were: litter th
ickness, percentage of shrub layer cover, percentage of pine tree cover, an
d circumference of oak trunks. The results showed a clear preference by bar
bastelles bats for richly structured forests, and an avoidance of open wood
land on stony outcrops and rocky slopes. This confirms that the biologicall
y most productive parts of the forest were exploited in priority.