A cost-effectiveness analysis of syphilis screening was performed. Strategi
es included no screening, universal testing at military entrance processing
stations, universal testing at basic training centers, and contracting cen
tralized screening. Probabilities derived from data retained on recruit app
licants from 1989 through 1991 (N = 1,588,143) and from the published liter
ature were used. Cost estimates were derived from costs incurred by the mil
itary and costs projected from implementing new strategies. Sensitivity ana
lyses were performed. Modifying the existing contract for human immunodefic
iency virus screening to include syphilis screening would maximize the effe
ctiveness of screening at a cost to the Department of Defense of $9.52 per
additional year of service received. The no-screening option was significan
tly more cost-saving than the current method of testing, Syphilis is rare a
nd treatable, and individuals with syphilis will be identified by other mea
ns in many cases, Syphilis screening of recruit applicants at the military
entrance processing stations should cease, saving the military $2,541,000 p
er year.