Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine whether any clinical
or histopathologic variables are associated with the severity of epithelial
change in lesions of actinic cheilitis.
Study design. A total of 152 acceptable cases of actinic cheilitis were ide
ntified from 66,067 cases accessioned from February 1989 to June 1998. For
each case, the clinical information supplied by the submitting practitioner
at the time of the biopsy and 8 histopathologic variables were evaluated.
Results, The following 5 histopathologic variables were positively correlat
ed with an increased degree of epithelial change: acanthosis, basophilic ch
ange within the connective tissue, the presence of inflammation within the
connective tissue, perivascular inflammation, and thickness of the keratin
layer. None of the clinical variables was associated with an increased degr
ee of epithelial change.
Conclusions. The presence of any of the aforementioned histopathologic chan
ges should prompt a close evaluation of the lesion for the presence of eith
er epithelial dysplasia or carcinoma.