This study was performed to evaluate the occurrence and to isolate and iden
tify diazotrophic bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with
the cassava(Manihot esculenta) crop. Samples from rhizospherical soil, roo
ts, tubers, stems and leaves from several localities of the States of Rio d
e Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Parana in Brazil, were inoculated in three media s
pecific for diazotrophic associative bacteria, LG1-P, NFb-malate and NFb-GO
C, evaluating the most probable number of cells and the acetylene-reducing
activity. Diazotrophic bacteria were detected in all plant parts except for
the leaves, and were identified as Klebsiella sp., Azospirillum lipoferum
and a bacterium called "E", probably belonging to the Burkholderia genus. B
acterium E was able to accumulate, in the N-free semi-solid media, from 7.6
3 to 14.84 mg of N/g of C and to maintain N fixation capacity after ten con
secutive transferences. Mycorrhizal root colonization varied from 31% to 69
% and spore density from 10 to 384 spores/100 mt of soil, predominating the
species Entrophospora colombiana and Acaulospora scrobiculata in Rio de Ja
neiro, A. scrobiculata and Scutellospora helerogama in Parana and in Piraci
caba (Sao Paulo), and A. appendicula and S. pellucida in Campinas (Sao Paul