A method for calculating the redistribution of resonance radiation in hot,
dense plasmas is developed by extending the frequency fluctuation model (FF
M). This model was originally designed as a numerical procedure for the cal
culation of the spectral shape of Stark-broadened lines emitted by multiele
ctron ions and has been particularly useful in computations accounting for
the ion dynamics effect. The FFM is based on a numerical technique that rep
laces the primitive inhomogeneous Stark component contributions to the line
ar response line shape with the observable radiative channels. These channe
ls can be viewed as equivalent to a system of microfield dressed two-level
radiators, the Stark-dressed transitions (SDT), which emit a set of spectra
l lines that reproduce the main features of the first-order radiative prope
rties of the emitter. The mixing of these transitions through a stochastic
process is equivalent to random fluctuations of the local ion microfield. T
he SDT form the basis for the extension of the FFM to the computation of no
nlinear response functions. The theory of the second-order radiative redist
ribution function is reviewed and examples are given. [S1050-2447(99)08008-