C-12(Li-7,alpha) angular distributions have been obtained for 16 states in
N-15 at E(Li-7) = 52.5 MeV. Also, C-12((6)<(Li)over right arrow>,He-3) angu
lar distributions and vector analyzing powers have been measured at E((6)<(
Li)over right arrow>) = 50 MeV. Finite-range distorted-wave Born-approximat
ion (FRDWBA) triton cluster transfer calculations are able to describe the
(Li-7,alpha) data for transfer to states with known J(pi) values. Compariso
n with known levels in F-19 suggests that the C-12(Li-7,alpha) reaction sel
ectively populates negative parity states. FRDWBA calculations support this
idea. Several previously suggested J(pi) levels are confirmed and new J(pi
) values are proposed for six other levels. The previously observed ((6)(Li
)over right arrow>,He-3) J dependence has been used dong with coupled-chann
el Born-approximation calculations to confirm the J(pi) values for states i
n N-15. [S0556-2813(99)08008-5].