The zebrafish is an excellent genetic system for the study of vertebrate de
velopment and disease. In an effort to provide a rapid and robust tool for
zebrafish gene mapping, a panel of radiation hybrids (RH) was produced by f
usion of irradiated zebrafish AB9 cells with mouse B78 cells. The overall r
etention of zebrafish sequences in the 93 RH cell lines that constitute the
LN54 panel is 22%. Characterization of the LN54 panel with 849 simple sequ
ence length polymorphism markers, 84 cloned genes and 122 expressed sequenc
e tags allowed the production of an RH map whose total size was 11,501 cent
iRays. From this value, we estimated the average breakpoint frequency of th
e LN54 RH panel to correspond to 1 centiRay = 148 kilobase. Placement of a
group of 235 unbiased markers on the RH map suggests that the map generated
for the LN54 panel, at present, covers 88% of the zebrafish genome. Compar
ison of marker positions in RH and meiotic maps indicated a 96% concordance
. Mapping expressed sequence tags and cloned genes by using the LN54 panel
should prove to be a valuable method for the identification of candidate ge
nes for specific mutations in zebrafish.