Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) is an autosomal-dominant condition chara
cterized by hypoplasia/aplasia of clavicles, patent fontanelles, super
numerary teeth, short stature, and other changes in skeletal patternin
g and growth. In some families, the phenotype segregates with deletion
s resulting in heterozygous loss of CBFA1, a member of the runt family
of transcription factors. In other families, insertion, deletion, and
missense mutations lead to translational stop codons in the DNA bindi
ng domain or in the C-terminal transactivating region. In-frame expans
ion of a polyalanine stretch segregates in an affected family with bra
chydactyly and minor clinical findings of CCD. We conclude that CBFA1
mutations cause CCD and that heterozygous loss of function is sufficie
nt to produce the disorder.