The resistance of an ecosystem to perturbations and the speed at which it r
ecovers after the perturbations, which is called resilience, are two import
ant components of ecosystem stability. It has been suggested that biodivers
ity increases the resilience and resistance of aggregated ecosystem process
es. We test this hypothesis using a theoretical model of a nutrient-limited
ecosystem in a heterogeneous environment. We investigate the stability pro
perties of the model for its simplest possible configuration, i.e., a syste
m consisting of two plant species and their associated detritus and local r
esource depletion zones. Phenotypic diversity within the plant community is
described by differences in the nutrient uptake and mortality rates of the
two species. The usual measure of resilience characterizes the system as a
whole and thus also applies to aggregated ecosystem processes. As a rule t
his decreases with increased diversity, though under certain conditions it
is maximum for an intermediate value of diversity. Resistance is a property
that characterizes each system component and process separately. The resis
tance of the inorganic nutrient pools, hence of nutrient retention in the e
cosystem, decreases with increased diversity. The resistance of both total
plant biomass and productivity either monotonically decreases or increases
over part of the parameter range with increased diversity. Furthermore, it
is very sensitive to parameter values. These results support the view that
there is no simple relationship between diversity and stability in equilibr
ium deterministic systems, whether at the level of populations or aggregate
d ecosystem processes. We discuss these results in relation to recent exper
iments. (C) 1999 Academic Press.