In the Logical Model of Perception (FLMP) perceivers are conceptualized as
forming perceptual judgments by evaluating and integrating multiple ambiguo
us sources of information, in an optimal manner based on relative goodness
of match. This model has been tested favorably against a variety of competi
ng theories and modes. Recent extensions of the FLMP are described in thin
article along with empirical applications and and progress in the study of
speech perception by ear and eye is reviewed within this general theoretica
l framework. The model illuminates the differences that are observed across
different languages in terms of information as opposed to information-proc
essing.. Pattern recognition of bimodal speech is representative of pattern
recognition in a variety of other domains, such as emotion perception, and
there are in-dependent reasons why multimodal presentation of audible and
visible speech is particularly conducive to accurate pattern recognition. W
e believe that the positive outcome of this research provides a framework f
or the development: of computer animated agents which can serve as language
tutors and as conversational characters in other domains, easing the inter
action of humans and machines.