A new method for measuring the collection efficiency of an aerosol sampler
as a function of particle size has been developed, featuring the use of dry
, polydisperse latex particles. Test aerosol is generated by placing a poly
disperse latex powder sample into a fluidized bed of glass beads. An Aerody
namic Particle Sizer (APS) measures the particle size distribution entering
and leaving the sampler's size-selector, yielding the penetration efficien
cy. The use of dry latex minimizes the "phantom'' particle problem inherent
with the APS by avoiding the generation of high concentrations of small pa
rticles such as those produced by nebulizers. In addition to having useful
properties for determining particle size cutoff characteristics, including
spherical shape, near-unit density, and white color, latex particles afford
a test for the presence of particle bounce and reentrainment, A complete e
fficiency measurement can be made in a little over three minutes, facilitat
ing experimentation with parameters such as sampler how rate, which require
repeated measurements, The method has been used extensively for the develo
pment and calibration of respirable and PM-2.5 samplers.