A hundred and fifty samples of bottled table water sold by Greek facto
ries were examined for the presence of environmental mycobacteria. Env
ironmental mycobacteria were found in 23 (15.6%) of the 150 tested sam
ples. Bacterial numbers of 1-100, 101-300, 301-1000, and > 10(3) CFU/L
were found in 8, 2, 1, and 4% of the samples, respectively. The ident
ification of the environmental mycobacteria was performed by both poly
merase chain reaction-restriction enzyme analysis (PCR-REA) and bioche
mical methods. The environmental mycobacteria found were 14 Mycobacter
ium chelonae, 3 Mycobacterium phlei, 4 Mycobacterium gordonae, and 2 M
ycobacterium flavescens. The relatively high number of environmental m
ycobacteria in bottled table water leads us to believe that the search
of these opportunistic microorganisms in bottled water could be a use
ful index of their hygienic quality when this water is to be consumed
by immunologically compromised patients. No statistically significant
correlation was found between the presence of mycobacteria and the bac
teriological faecal indicators (P < 0.005).