Many arguments, epidemiological, clinical, and psychosomatic, plead in favo
ur afa vulnerability to the expression of ailments with a psychosomatic com
ponents in patients suffering from eating disorders. III a case-control stu
dy of 64 patients with eating disorders (32 anorexics, 32 bulimics) and 74
matched controls, the authors found a greater vulnerability to the expressi
on of psychosomatic ailments (asthma, migraine, eczema, urticaria) in the p
atient groups. There rc ns no significant difference in the psychosomatic v
ulnerability of the anorexic patients mid the bulimic patients. While migra
ine was more often and significatively encountered in the bulimic patients
and eczema was male significatively frequent in the anorexics patients.
An alexithymic dimension was found more frequently in the patients, but non
thymo-dependent alexithymia was not predictive of psychosomatic vulnerabil
ity except for migraine disease.