There are two main histological groups of testicular germ cell tumours, whi
ch may have different risk factors. Some authors have analysed potential ri
sk factors by histological group but few consistent differences have been i
dentified. In this paper we examine risk factors for pure seminoma and othe
r tumours using data from the United Kingdom case control study of testicul
ar cancer. Seven hundred and ninety four cases were included in the study,
each with a matched control; 400 cases had pure seminoma tumours, and 394 h
ad other testicular tumours. The risk of seminoma associated with undescend
ed testis was slightly higher than that for other tumours (odds ratio of 5.
3 compared with 3.0). When split at the median age at diagnosis, this diffe
rence was greater in men aged 32 and over (odds ratio of 11.9 compared with
5.1) than in the younger men (3.0 compared with 2.5). Risks associated wit
h testicular or groin injuries were higher in the non-seminoma group, as wa
s the risk for a history of sexually transmitted disease. The protective ef
fect of a late puberty was more marked for tumours of other histologies. So
me differences were also detected for participation in sports. Whilst some
of the differences detected may have arisen by chance, the stronger associa
tion between undescended testis and pure seminoma has been identified by a
number of other studies and may reflect a genuine difference in aetiology.