Nine patients with follicular cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), a recently
described variant of lymphoma, are presented. On the basis of clinical mani
festations and disease course, three groups of patients were distinguished:
(i) two patients with follicular CTCL not associated with conventional les
ions of mycosis fungoides (MF) and showing no evolution towards MF in follo
w-up periods of 3 and 6 years; (ii) one patient; with follicular CTCL that
evolved into conventional MF within 3 years; (iii) six patients showing con
ventional MF lesions either before or concurrently with the follicular lesi
ons and thus representing follicular CTCL of the true MF type. The follicul
ar lesions included hair-devoid patches or plaques with spiky hyperkeratoti
c papules (four patients), keratosis pilaris-like lesions (four), comedo-li
ke lesions (four), follicular papules with alopecia (three) and milia-like
lesions (three). Histopathological examination showed perifollicular and in
trafollicular lymphocytes, without mucin deposition and with minimal or no
involvement of the overlying epidermis. Significant syringotropism was also
observed in three cases. Immunohistochemical analysis showed the predomina
nce of CD4+ T cells, deletion of CD7 in some cases, Ki-67+ lymphocytes conf
ined mainly to the follicular epithelium, and expression of keratinocyte in
tercellular adhesion molecule-1 exclusively in the hair follicle. T-cell re
ceptor gamma gene rearrangement was positive in the one case studied from e
ach group. Different treatment modalities were employed, the most commonly
used as monotherapy being phototherapy: psoralen ultraviolet A in four pati
ents, two of whom showed a complete clinical and histopathological remissio
n, and ultraviolet B in one patient, who showed a complete remission (both
clinical and histopathological). This study indicates that follicular CTCL
is more common than reflected in the literature, has heterogeneous clinical
manifestations, and is either an expression of or closely related to MF. T
he influence of the follicular involvement on the therapeutic response rema
ins to be clarified. However, our therapeutic experience clearly suggests t
hat some patients with follicular CTCL can benefit from phototherapy.