Objectives: To evaluate the ability of an interdisciplinary data set (recen
tly defined by the Austrian Working Group for the Standardization of a Docu
mentation System for Intensive Care [ASDI]) to assess intensive care units
(ICUs) by means of the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (SAPS II) for t
he severity of illness and the simplified Therapeutic Intervention Scoring
System (TISS-28) for the level of provided care.
Design: A prospective, multicentric study.
Setting: Nine adult medical, surgical, and mixed ICUs in Austria.
Patients: A total of 1234 patients consecutively admitted to the ICUs,
Interventions: Collection of data for the ASDI data set.
Measurements and Main Results: The overall mean SAPS II score was 33.1 +/-
2.1 points. SAPS II overestimated hospital mortality by predicting mortalit
y of 22.2% +/- 2.9%, whereas observed mortality was only 16.8% +/- 2.2%. Th
e Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test for SAPS II scores showed lacking un
iformity of fit (H = 53.78, 8 degrees of freedom; p < .0001), TISS-28 score
s were recorded on 8616 days (30.6 +/- 1.5 points). TISS-28 scores were hig
her in nonsurvivors than in survivors (30.4 +/- 0.9 vs, 25.7 +/- 0.4, respe
ctively; p < .05). No significant correlation between mean TISS-28 per pati
ent per unit on the day of admission and mean predicted hospital mortality
(r(2) = .23; p < .54) or standardized mortality ratio per unit (r(2) = -.22
; p < .56) was found.
Conclusions: Implementation of an interdisciplinary data set far ICUs provi
ded data with which to evaluate performance in terms of severity of illness
and provided care, The SAPS II did not accurately predict outcomes in Aust
rian ICUs and must, therefore, be customized for this population. A combina
tion of indicators for both severity of illness and amount of provided care
is necessary to evaluate ICU performance. Further data acquisition is need
ed to customize the SAPS II and to validate the TISS-28.