The composition of the benthic macroflora was studied in an area of shallow
-water gas-hydrothermal vents in the Palaeochori Bay (Milos Island, Aegean
Sea). Some species, both taxonomically End biogeographically remarkable, we
re collected Tribonema marinum J. Feldmann, Stypopodium schimperi (Buchinge
r ex Kutzing) Verlaque et Boudouresque, Amphiroa rubra (Philippi) Woelkerli
ng, Cutleria cf. chilosa (Falkenberg) Silva, Womersleyella setacea (Hollenb
erg) R.E. Norris). The large number of species with warm-water affinities [
Halopithys incurva (Hudson) Batters, Jania adhaerens Lamouroux, Laurencia m
icracladia Kutzing, Tricleocarpa fragilis (Linnaeus) Huisman et Townsend, S
typopodium schimperi (Buchinger ex Kutzing) Verlaque et Boudouresque, Zonar
ia tournefortii (Lamouroux) Montagne, Anadyomene stellata (Wulfen) C. Agard
h, Dasycladus vermicularis (Scopoli) Krasser, Microdictyon tenuius Decaisne
ex J. Gray] is mainly due to the southern location of the Miles Island but
could be also related to a homogeneous influence of vent activity througho
ut the bay. (C) ADAC / Elsevier, Paris.