Since its advent, the use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has gro
wn rapidly. In. patients undergoing TEE in the intensive care unit over two
time periods (4 years apart), we evaluated whether TEE led to new/unsuspec
ted findings or changes in, patient management. Results showed that the ind
ications for which patients underwent TEE changed considerably between the
two time periods. Hemodynamic instability was an indication, for TEE in 41%
of the patients in the first interval and 56% of the patients in the secon
d interval. TEE frequently established a new diagnosis (41%) and Led to sig
nificant management changes (28%) in both time periods. These changes occur
red despite the use of a pulmonary artery catheter in, nearly 2/3 of the pa
tients studied. Therefore, despite increasing and changing use, TEE frequen
tly establishes unsuspected diagnosis and directly influences patient manag
ement when used in intensive care patients.