Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to map motion responsive reg
ions of the human brain by contrasting passive viewing of moving and statio
nary randomly textured patterns. Regions were retained as motion responsive
if they reached significance either in the group analysis or in the majori
ty of hemispheres in single-subject analysis. They include well-known regio
ns, such as V1, hMT/V5+, and hV3A, but also several occipito-temporal, occi
pito-parietal, parietal, and frontal regions. The time course of the activa
tion was similar in most of these regions. Motion responses were nearly ide
ntical for binocular and monocular presentations. Flicker-induced-activatio
n introduced a dichotomy amongst these motion responsive regions. Early occ
ipital and occipito-temporal regions responded well to flicker, while flick
er responses gradually vanished as one moved to occipito-parietal and then
parietal regions. Finally, over a more than four-fold range, stimulus diame
ter had little effect on the motion activations, except in V1.