The magnetisation and magnetostrictive behaviours of Terfenol-D depend on a
pplied uniaxial pressure, DC field bias and AC drive field. In the initial
design of a transducer these factors are critical in reducing the principal
source of loss, namely eddy current heating. This is particularly importan
t in high power transducers where losses and power amplifier requirements m
ust be minimised. The objective of this paper is to look at the relative me
rit of frequency doubling (due to the quadratic nature of the strain-field
curve) in terms of the losses caused.
An experimental investigation has been conducted in which a 6mm diameter ro
d of grain oriented Terfenol-D has been subjected to a uniaxial prestress o
f 5.4MPa and driven with a moderately strong AC field of 5.5kA/m. Three con
ditions of frequency and magnetic bias were used; 770 Hz at 0 and 20kA/m bi
as field and 1.54kHz with a bias of 20kA/m. The heat generated has been mea
sured under each of these conditions and it is found to be three times grea
ter in the first compared to the last case. In either case the drive freque
ncy is well below the 'critical' frequency (i.e. the rod diameter is suffic
iently small to allow full field penetration) but the material's permeabili
ty is significantly different under the two bias field conditions. Calculat
ions show that the heating without a bias field can be accounted for by mac
roscopic eddy currents and although the permeability is higher without a bi
as field, there appears to be little or no contribution to the heating due
to domain wall movement (anomalous loss).
The results of this work indicate that under high field conditions (typical
ly 75kA/m) for high power applications, regions of the magnetisation curve
which have high permeability and low magnetostrictive activity must be avoi
ded by the use of correct bias field: frequency doubling is a highly ineffi
cient use of this transducer material.