The breast cancer predisposing gene, BRCA1, was analyzed for germline mutat
ions in 45 African American families at high-risk for hereditary breast can
cer. Patients were considered high-risk if they had a family history of the
disease, early onset breast cancer, bilateral breast cancer, or breast and
ovarian cancer. The entire BRCA1 coding and flanking intron regions have b
een examined by single stranded conformation polymorphism analysis followed
by sequencing of variant bands. Eleven different BRCA1 germline mutations/
variations were identified in 7 patients from the 45 high-risk families. Tw
o pathogenic, protein-truncating mutations were detected in exon 11. A ten
base pair tandem duplication, 943ins10, was present in a woman with breast
and ovarian cancer whose first-degree relatives had prostate cancer. A four
base pair deletion, 3450de14, was detected in a breast cancer patient with
five cases of breast cancer in the family; two of the proband's sisters wi
th breast cancer also carried the same mutation. Four amino acid substituti
ons (Lys1183Arg, Leu1564Pro, Gln1785His, and Glu1794Asp) and four nucleotid
e substitutions in intron 22 (IVS22+78 C/A, IVS22+67 T/C, IVS22+8 T/A and I
VS22+7 T/C) were observed in patients and not in control subjects. One earl
y onset breast cancer patient carried five distinct BRCA1 variations, two a
mino acid substitutions and three substitutions in intron 22. An amino acid
substitution in exon 11, Ser1140Gly, was identified in 3 different unrelat
ed patients and in 6 of 92 control samples. The latter probably represents
a benign polymorphism.