In linear predictive speech coding algorithms, transmission of linear predi
ctive coding (LPC) parameters-often transformed to the line spectrum freque
ncies (LSF) representation-consumes' a large part of the total bit rate of
the coder. Typically, the LSF parameters are highly correlated from one fra
me to the next, and a considerable reduction in bit rate can be achieved by
exploiting this interframe correlation. However, interframe coding leads t
o error propagation if the channel is noisy, which possibly cancels the ach
ievable gain. In this paper, several algorithms for exploiting interframe c
orrelation of LSF parameters are compared. Especially, performance for tran
smission over noisy channels is examined, and methods to improve noisy chan
nel performance are proposed, By combining an interframe quantizer and a me
moryless "safety-net" quantizer, we demonstrate that the advantages of both
quantization strategies can be utilized, and the performance for both nois
eless and noisy channels improves. The results indicate that the best inter
frame method performs as good as a memoryless quantizing scheme, with 4 bit
s less per frame. Subjective listening tests have been employed that verify
the results from the objective measurements.