Forensic hospitals are responsible for both the custody and treatment of pa
tients, including treatment that will minimize the risk of future violence
to the community This study examined factors that affected length of stay (
LOS) in Maryland's only maximum-security forensic hospital for mentally ill
patients who were adjudicated not criminally responsible (NCR)for serious
violent crimes. The current study focused on the combined effects of demogr
aphic, legal, and clinical variables on LOS in NCR patients who had been ap
proved for transfer to a less restrictive environment to determine what if
any, variables should be targeted for services during hospitalization. The
results of the study indicated that, in addition to gender; history of empl
oyment prior To the offense was the strongest predictor of LOS. Three other
variables contributed less significantly to the prediction model. These fi
ndings have programmatic implications for forensic psychiatric facilities t
reating the seriously mentally ill.