This study investigated the effects of caecal culture treatment of day-old
chicks on performance and on the prevention of Salmonella infection in broi
lers. Chicks inoculated with caecal culture from healthy chickens at 1 day
of age and challenged with salmonella at 3 days of age had higher weight an
d volatile fatty acid concentrations in the caeca than the group without ca
ecal culture treatment (P <.05). More bacteria were associated with caecal
mucosa (SEM scan) and significantly fewer anaerobes and coliform cells were
present in the caeca (P <.05) than in birds that were challenged with salm
onella without caecal culture (negative controls). Although birds inoculate
d with caecal culture with salmonella challenge (positive controls) did not
show improved performance throughout the whole growing period (P >.05),the
y showed significant (P <.05) improvement in growth compared to the other g
roups at the critical period of 0-3 wk old.