In a medium without serum, the initial adhesion of L1210 cells to nonsulfon
ated and sulfonated polymer surfaces was investigated. In the case of sulfo
nated polymer surfaces, the relative number of adhering cells strongly incr
eases with an increase of the interfacial surface tension; that is, adhesio
n strongly depends on the surface density of sulfonic groups. However, in t
he case of nonsulfonated polymer surfaces, the relative number of adhering
cells is high and independent of the interfacial surface tension. To extend
the basic knowledge of these phenomena, a semiempirical quantum chemical c
omputational study was undertaken. Simple probe molecules were chosen that
mimick the chemical properties of functional groups present on polymeric su
rfaces. The energies of interaction between these molecules and ones repres
enting the midchain polypeptide building blocks were calculated. To discuss
the steric effects involved in similar interactions on real surfaces, a si
mple model of polymeric surfaces was proposed. Also the interactions among
such surfaces and the short hydrated polypeptide chain were studied at the
molecular mechanics level of theory. The derived intermolecular energy para
meter was found to change in parallel to the number of adhered cells within
the two groups of substrata under study: nonsulfonated and sulfonated. The
computational results suggest the possible existence of differently arrang
ed cell membrane protein centers responsible for docking to these two types
of surfaces. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.