Current theories of CVD growth on (100) diamond are unable to account for t
he numerous experimental observations of slow-growing, locally smooth (100)
(2x1) films. In this paper we use quantum mechanical calculations of diamon
d surface thermochemistry and atomic-scale kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
of deposition to investigate the efficacy of preferential etching as a mech
anism that can help to reconcile this discrepancy. This etching mechanism a
llows for the removal of undercoordinated carbon atoms from the diamond sur
face. In the absence of etching, simulated growth on the (100)(2x1) surface
is faster than growth on the (110) and (111) surfaces, and the (100) surfa
ce is atomically rough. When etching is included in the simulations, the (1
00) growth rates decrease to values near those observed experimentally, whi
le the rates of growth on the other surfaces remain largely unaffected and
similar to those observed experimentally. In addition, the etching mechanis
m promotes the growth of smooth (100) surface regions in agreement with num
erous scanning probe studies. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S002