A previous study (Stanhope et al. 1998) established that staff in two obste
tric units reported less than a quarter of designated incidents to the unit
s' risk managers. A questionnaire was administered to 42 obstetricians and
156 midwives at the same:two Obstetric units, exploring the reasons for low
rates of reporting. Questions concerned their knowledge of their unit's in
cident reporting system; whether they would report a series of 10 designate
d adverse obstetric incidents to the risk manager; and their views on 12 po
tential reasons for not reporting incidents. Most staff knew about the inci
dent-reporting system in their unit, but almost 30% did not know how to fin
d a list of reportable incidents. Views on the necessity of reporting the 1
0 designated obstetric incidents varied considerably. For example, 96% of s
taff stated they would always report a maternal death, whereas less than 40
% would report a baby's unexpected admission to the Special Care Baby Unit.
Midwives said they were more likely to report incidents than doctors, and
junior staff were more likely to report than senior staff. The main reasons
for not reporting were fears that junior staff would be blamed, high workl
oad and the belief (even though the incident was designated as reportable)
that the circumstances or outcome of a particular case did not warrant a re
port. Junior doctors felt less supported by their colleagues than senior do
ctors. Current systems of incident reporting, while providing some valuable
information, do not provide a reliable index of the rate of adverse incide
nts. Recommended measures to increase reliability include clearer definitio
ns of incidents, simplified methods of reporting, designated staff to recor
d incidents and education, feedback and reassurance to staff about the natu
re and purpose of such systems.