Measurements of albedo were obtained along a 100 km transect in east centra
l Illinois using a combination of airborne and ground-based radiometers. An
alysis of the measurements focused on three different land use categories:
agricultural cropland, prairie grass, and woodland. The value of albedo ove
r the woodland after a fresh snowfall was 0.30, which is somewhat higher th
an what has been measured in a previous experiment over an aspen forest but
similar to previous measurements over a deciduous forest in the eastern Un
ited States. The albedo values over the grassland were similar to past expe
riments and similar to the values over cropland. The drifting that accompan
ied one of the snow events caused large differences in albedo during snowme
lt compared to another event with minimal drifting but similar average snow
depth. The albedo was lower over the melting wind-blown snow cover than fo
r a snow cover of similar average depth that fell under light wind conditio
ns. These large differences suggest that inclusion of meteorological condit
ions during snowfall in snow parameterizations may appreciably increase the
ir accuracy. Different tillage practices used in the agricultural fields al
so caused measurable differences in albedo during the snowmelt phase.