Discussion of health care cost control policy and politics tends to focus o
n terms such as "market:' "government:' and "managed care" that are either
too general or too value laden to encourage sound analysis. This article pr
oposes an alternative framework for classifying cost control policies. It f
irst distinguishes targets from systems of control. Targets can then be div
ided into categories of service (e.g., hospital care, pharmaceutical treatm
ent) and components of cost (e.g., price and volume). Systems can be classi
fied in terms of the degree of pooling of finance, ranging from no insuranc
e to a single pool of funds, and how payment of providers is organized, ran
ging from all payers paying all providers on the same terms to extensive se
lective contracting among payers and providers. The article analyzes exampl
es of target policy and politics, system policy and politics, and how syste
m choices can influence which targets are targeted how well, so as to show
that both policy consequences and political alignments become clearer by us
ing these terms. As one instance, discussions of "managed care" are often c
onfused because the term has two meanings, one referring to target policy a
nd one to system policy.