We report a 54-year-old male patient who developed an unusual form of gener
alized drug eruption. He had pain and breathlessness on the left chest wall
. He had history of taking several drugs at private clinics under a diagnos
is of herpes tester. Two weeks later he had a generalized skin eruption. Ex
amination showed multiple variable sized, mild pruritic, erythematous macul
es and papules on the face and upper extremities. Skin lesions take the for
m of a clinically consistent with disseminated superficial actinic porokera
tosis (DSAP). Methylprednisolone 16 mg, astemisole 10 mg, oxatomide 60 mg w
as prescribed. Topical corticosteroid cream was applied. Within two months,
his eruption had cleared almost completely. The pathogenetic mechanisms of
this case are unclear, but drug and UV light have been considered.