The zygapophyses and zygosphene-zygantrum articulations of snake vertebrae
are hypothesized to restrict or eliminate vertebral torsion. This hypothesi
s is apparently based solely on the inference of function from structure, d
espite the limitations of such inferences, as well as contradictory observa
tions and measurements. In this study, I observed and measured axial torsio
n in gopher snakes, Pituophis melanoleucus. To examine the structural basis
of axial torsion, I measured the vertebral articulation angles along the b
ody and the insertion angles of five epaxial muscles. To examine torsion in
a natural behavior, I digitized video images and measured the degree of ap
parent axial torsion during terrestrial lateral undulation. Finally, I meas
ured the mechanical capacity of the vertebral joints for actual torsion ove
r intervals of 10 vertebrae in fresh, skinned segments of the trunk. Verteb
ral articulation angles vary up to 30 degrees and are associated with varia
tion in torsional capacity along the trunk. The freely crawling P. melanole
ucus twisted up to 2.19 degrees per vertebra, which produced substantial ov
erall torsion when added over several vertebrae. The vertebral joints are m
echanically capable of torsion up to 2.89 degrees per joint. Therefore, des
pite the mechanical restriction imposed by the complex articulations, verte
bral torsion occurs in snakes and appears to be functionally important in s
everal natural behaviors. Even in cases in which mechanical function appear
s to be narrowly constrained by morphology, specific functions should not b
e inferred solely from structural analyses. J. Morphol. 241:217-225, 1999.
(C) 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.