Nuclear medicine imaging techniques can help In patient evaluation where in
fectious and non-infectious inflammatory disorders are suspected. When sele
cted and tailored to the clinical situation, most techniques already in use
or available soon provide information with high sensitivity. However, almo
st ail currently available techniques lack the specificity to discriminate
between infectious and non infectious inflammation. In undiagnosed fever, t
his nonspecificity may be an advantage since fever of unknown origin is cau
sed by infection in only about 25% of cases, but in the postoperative patie
nt the reliable differentiation between infection and sterile inflammation
is highly relevant to clinical management. The range of radiopharmceuticals
to investigate infectious and non-microbial inflammatory disorders is expa
nding and developments in protein/peptide chemistry and in labelling techno
logy should lead to agents with very high specific activities. Nuclear medi
cine has to add specificity to Its already high sensitivity if it Is to dis
tinguish both categories of inflammatory disorder.