This paper describes a novel theoretical and empirical. approach to tasks s
uch as business process redesign and knowledge management. The project invo
lves collecting examples of how different organizations perform similar pro
cesses, and organizing these examples in an on-line "process handbook." The
handbook is intended to help people: (1) redesign existing organizational
processes, (2) invent new organizational processes (especially ones that ta
ke advantage of information technology), and (3) share ideas about organiza
tional practices.
A key element of the work is an approach to analyzing processes at various
levels of abstraction, thus capturing both the details of specific processe
s as well as the "deep structure" of their similarities. This approach uses
ideas from computer science about inheritance and from coordination theory
about managing dependencies. A primary advantage of the approach is that i
t allows people to explicitly represent the similarities land differences)
among related processes and to easily find or generate sensible alternative
s for how a given process could be performed. In addition to describing thi
s new approach, the work reported here demonstrates the basic technical fea
sibility of these ideas and gives one example of their use in a field study