We study the effects of entry in a downstream market where firms (e.g., Com
paq and IBM; CVS and Safeway) buy an input (e.g., microprocessor, grocery i
tems) from an upstream supplier (e.g., Intel, Procter & Gamble) and sell th
eir output to consumers. We show demand conditions where, contrary to conve
ntional wisdom, entry of a new downstream firm lowers the downstream-market
output and increases the consumer price. Thus consumers may be better off
with fewer sellers in such markets. We also show that this entry may cause
the profit of each incumbent downstream firm to: (i) remain unchanged; (ii)
decrease; or (iii) even increase. Also, for a class of widely used demand
conditions, the supplier's optimal price is shown invariant to the entry/ex
it of its downstream buyer firms. We classify all possible effects of downs
tream entry in terms of fundamental market demand conditions.