Corrections to scaling, associated with deviations of the order parameter f
rom the scaling morphology in the initial state, are studied for systems wi
th O(n) symmetry at zero temperature in phase-ordering kinetics. Including
corrections to scaling, the equal time pair correlation function has the fo
rm C(r,t)=f(0)(r/L) +L(-omega)f(1)(r/L)+..., where L is the coarsening leng
th scale. The correction-to-scaling exponent omega and the correction-to-sc
aling function f(1)(x) are calculated for both nonconserved and conserved o
rder parameter systems using the approximate Gaussian closure theory of Maz
enko, In general omega is a nontrivial exponent which depends on both the d
imensionality d of the system and the number of components n of the order p
arameter. Corrections to scaling are also calculated for the nonconserved o
ne-dimensional XY model, where an exact solution is possible. [S1063-551X(9