For aggregated or heterogeneous disease incidence, one can predict the prop
ortion of sampling units diseased at a higher scale (e.g., plants) based on
the proportion of diseased individuals and heterogeneity of diseased indiv
iduals at a lower scale (e.g., leaves) using a function derived from the be
ta-binomial distribution. Here, a simple approximation for the beta-binomia
l-based function is derived. This approximation has a functional form based
on the binomial distribution, but with the number of individuals per sampl
ing unit (n) replaced by a parameter (v) that has similar interpretation as
, but is not the same as, the effective sample size (n(deff)), often used i
n survey sampling. The value of v is inversely related to the degree of het
erogeneity of disease and generally is intermediate between n(deff) and n i
n magnitude. The choice of v was determined iteratively by finding a parame
ter value that allowed the zero term (probability that a sampling unit is d
isease free) of the binomial distribution to equal the zero term of the bet
a-binomial. The approximation function was successfully tested on observati
ons of Eutypa dieback of grapes collected over several years and with simul
ated data. Unlike the beta-binomial-based function, the approximation can b
e rearranged to predict incidence at the lower scale from observed incidenc
e data at the higher scale, making group sampling for heterogeneous data a
more practical proposition.