A connectionist model of human short-term memory is presented that extends
the "phonological loop" (A. D. Baddeley, 1986) to encompass serial order an
d learning. Psychological and neuropsychological data motivate separate lay
ers of lexical, timing, and input and output phonemic information. Connecti
on weights between layers show Hebbian learning and decay over short and lo
ng time scales. At recall, the timing signal is rerun, phonemic information
feeds back from output to input, and lexical nodes compete to be selected.
The selected node then receives decaying inhibition. The model provides an
explanatory mechanism for the phonological loop and for the effects of ser
ial position, presentation modality, lexicality, grouping, and Hebb repetit
ion. It makes new psychological and neuropsychological predictions and is a
starting point for understanding the role of the phonological loop in voca
bulary acquisition and for interpreting data from functional neuroimaging.