The objective of the study was to determine uterine motility during the pos
tpartum period in cattle. In the present study spontaneous uterine activity
was recorded during postpartum period using electrodes which were surgical
ly implanted into the myometrium 4-6 weeks before parturition. After the pl
acenta has been released 4-8 hours post part, spontaneous uterine motility
drastically decreased until the second week post part.. The effects of oxyt
ocin, depotocin, prostaglandin, ergometrin, detomidin on the uterine contra
ctility, during postpartum period were investigated. Oxytocin and carbotoci
n given intravenously always provoked strong uterine contractions. Prostagl
andin F2alpha and detomidinum HCl stimulated uterine activity in the early
puerperium. Following administration of ergometrin unequal response was rec
orded. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed daily with real time B-
mode scanner equipped with a 5.0 MHz linear-array transducer (Aloka 210, Pi
e Medical). 10 multiparous Black-White-Holstein cows between 2 and 4 years
old and 550-650 kg b.w. were used. A 6-min scan of the longitudinal view of
the uterine body was recorded using video cassette recorder connected to t
he ultrasound scanner. A scoring system was used to determines uterine moti
lity. Contractility scores were higher just after parturition then in the f
ollowing times. Blood samples were collected daily from jugular vein for pl
asma progesterone and estrogen concentrations. Changes in uterine activity
were associated with plasma progesterone and estrogen level.