The oocyte growth phase includes development of organelles and inclusions a
s well as a period of oocyte transcription. Oocyte transcription including
nucleolar function (rRNA-synthesis) is activated in the secondary follicle
and is maintained up to an oocyte diameter of about 110 mm in the 3 mm tert
iary follicle. At a diameter of 100 to 110 mm, the oocyte gradually achieve
s the competence to undergo meiotic maturation and sustain embryonic develo
pment. Ln the dominant follicle the oocyte undergoes further ultrastructura
l modifications through a process that we refer to as "capacitation". The f
inal oocyte maturation up to metaphase Pi after LH stimulation of the ovula
tory follicle is the culmination of the previous processes and equips the o
ocyte with the cell biological apparatus specialized for fertilization and
initial embryonic development.