In a series of 1,069 breast cancer patients there were no significant
differences in the numbers of node-negative or node-positive cases und
ergoing operation in the two halves of the year, This held also for ca
ses with nodal micrometastases (0.2 cm(2) or less). There were two his
tological types, Their distribution according to season was similar. U
sing the mean tumour area those presenting in the first half of the ye
ar were smaller than the others (p < 0.001), and more cases were under
0.000 cm(2) (P < 0.005), In these cases the tumour cells tended to be
in the capsular lymphatics and subcapsular sinus, In keeping with the
ir histology, deaths were also more frequent than with those presentin
g in the second half of the year, in which the micrometastases were la
rger and had usually infiltrated the nodal lymphoid tissue. Thus the m
etastatic process in the primary appears to be active in the first par
t of the year when the smallest of the micrometastases are found enter
ing the nodes. This may be a reflection of the growth form of the prim