Most movies provide rich examples of bad psychotherapy A few movie psychoth
erapies are so accurate and well none that they can be used, like process n
otes, to teach psychiatric residents and of her students the major principl
es and techniques of psychodynamic psychotherapy. Ordinary People is one su
ch movie, in which the treatment of a severely depressed adolescent boy is
portrayed. By using a summary of the "patient's" background and the transcr
ipt of one vignette from the movie "psychotherapy," a method is discussed f
or teaching many of the principles and techniques of psychodynamic psychoth
erapy with adolescents, including 1) transference and resistance; 2) neutra
lity and the real object; 3) slips of the tongue and the observing ego; 4)
unconscious conflict expressed somatically, and making it conscious; 5) the
role of education; 6) open- and closed-ended interpretations and gratifyin
g or frustrating patients; and 7) multiple determination of symptoms and th
e working-through process.