The magnetic properties and narrow domain are investigated. The substitutio
n of silicon for iron leads to the reduction of the lattice parameters, and
the significant increase of the Curie temperature from 413 K to 526 K, The
mean field analysis show that the Fe-Fe exchange interaction is much stren
gthened while the Tb-Fe one is slightly weakened by the introduction of sil
icon. The anisotropy constants up to the sixth order are calculated by fitt
ing the magnetization process of the samples with the different silicon con
tents at 1.5 K under the field up to 5.2 x 10(6) A/m. At low temperature, t
he intrinsic coercivity has been observed. The domain wall energy and wall
thickness were calculated by counting in three anisotropy constants up to t
he sixth order and the results indicated that the coercivity is caused by t
he typical narrow domain wall pinning-dominated process. The domain wall en
ergy and wall thickness were also calculated based on the Egami thermal-act
ivation model and the empirical relationship for H-c(T). The mechanism for
the intrinsic coercivity was discussed.