About 50 spectral lines due to the (2 +1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton io
nization (REMPI) of atomic sulfur, generated in the sequential multiphoton
dissociation of SO2 at probing wavelengths, in the 243-263 nm region has be
en observed. Besides most of the lines which are due to the two-photon tran
sitions from the ground states P-3(2,1,0) to the Rydberg states P-3, D-3, F
-3 until n = 10 of S atom, several new lines including the spin forbbiden t
ransition P-1(0), S-5(0) <-- P-3 and the two-photon transitions from the ex
cited state D-1(2) to the Rydberg states np(1,3)D, F-1,F-3 are observed. In
tensities of some lines have been calculated and compared with the experime
ntal results.