The characteristic of microwave radiation (lambda = 8 mm) response of YBCO
granular films was reported. Experimental results show that the response be
havior can be described with nonequilibrium response effect, instead of the
rmal effect model. Near below the transition temperature T-infinity, nonequ
ilibrium microwave response signal decays gradually and disappears with the
sample resistance becoming zero. It was also found that the response signa
l is very sensitive to a weak magnetic field. The sample I-V curve was stud
ied carefully, and the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition model can be used to
describe the two-dimensional transport characteristic of the YBCO granular
films. Based on the analysis and experimental results, we believe that the
mechanism of nonequilibrium microwave response may be related with the brea
king of the votex-antivotex pair in high T-c superconductor.