The nutritive value of banana by-products (leaves, pseudostems and raceme s
tems) for goats was studied by rumen degradability and in vitro digestibili
ty techniques, voluntary intake and maintenance trials. Banana by-products
had both a relatively low degradability and digestibility, with derived met
abolizable energy content (MJ ME per kg dry matter (DM)) of 6.54 for leaves
, 6.66 for pseudostems and 8.24 for raceme stems. Daily voluntary intake (g
DM per kg M-0.75) was 66.4 for leaves, 19.3 for pseudostems, and 15.3 for
raceme stems. On these results, pseudostems and raceme stems would provide
less than 0.30 of maintenance ME needs of goats. However, rations based onl
y on banana leaves should meet move than 0.85 of the maintenance energy nee