Serum or plasma sialic acid and C-reactive protein have recently been shown
to be cardiovascular risk factors. Our aim was to determine whether plasma
sialic acid or C-reactive protein concentration correlate with atheromatou
s load on coronary angiography. Plasma sialic acid concentration and plasma
C-reactive protein concentration were determined in 128 consecutive patien
ts attending day case coronary angiography. Patients were excluded for prev
ious coronary angioplasty, coronary artery bypass grafting, recent myocardi
al infarction, acute or chronic inflammatory disease and proximal occlusion
s precluding analysis of distal coronary anatomy. Total cholesterol, trigly
ceride, HDL cholesterol and glucose concentrations were assayed on fasting
samples of venous blood. Angiograms were graded according to a semisubjecti
ve scoring system. There was no significant correlation between plasma sial
ic acid (r = 0.19, P = 0.07), or C-reactive protein concentration (r = 0.17
, P = 0.13) and atheromatious load. There was no significant correlation be
tween sialic acid (P = 0.13), or C-reactive protein concentration (P = 0.32
) and the number of diseased coronary vessels. The difference in plasma sia
lic acid concentration between those with normal coronary angiograms and th
ose with coronary artery disease did not reach significance (P=0.08). Plasm
a sialic acid concentration correlated with C-reactive protein (r = 0.58, P
= 0.0001), serum triglyceride (r = 0.32, P = 0.002), and blood cholesterol
concentration (r = 0.22, P = 0.04). Plasma sialic acid concentration does
not correlate with atheromatous load on coronary angiography in patients wi
th stable angina. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserve