Methods: General practitioner compliance with recommendations for patient f
ollow-up after participation in a screening programme for diabetic retinopa
thy was assessed. Six months after screening with non-mydriatic retinal pho
tography in four areas of Victoria, the general practitioner of each partic
ipant was surveyed if the participant reported no examination for diabetic
retinopathy in the past 2 years and if the results or the screening indicat
ed the need for further assessment.
Results: Overall, 208 of 253 (82%) completed questionnaires were analysed.
A total of 123 (59%) patients were referred by their doctors for further as
sessment and 97 (79%) of those referred were reported to have complied with
the referral. Of the 85 (41%) patients who were not referred for further a
ssessment, 31 (36%) were reported by their doctors to be already under regu
lar review by an ophthalmologist.
Conclusions: Compliance with general practitioner referrals suggests that t
his screening programme was effective and a useful means by which to remind
general practitioners of the importance of regular eye examinations for pe
ople with diabetes.